• eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2025–2027

    This Single Programming Document (SPD) presents eu-LISA's planned activities and resource allocation for the 2025–2027 period, providing our stakeholders with assurance that the Agency is taking a systematic and consistent approach towards delivering its mandate. PLEASE NOTE: This version of SPD 2025–2027 is subject to change. At the time of its statutory adoption, discussions were still ongoing regarding the entry

  • SIS - List of competent authorities 2024 - Updated

    Each year, since it assumed the operational management of the system, eu-LISA publishes the list of competent authorities which are authorised to directly search the data contained in SIS as well as the list of National SIS Offices and SIRENE Bureaux. The present consolidated list is based on information communicated by Member States by 06 November 2024. The Schengen Information

  • SIS - List of N.SIS Offices and SIRENE 2024

    Each year, since it assumed the operational management of SIS, eu-LISA publishes the list of competent authorities which are authorised to directly search the data contained in SIS as well as the list of National SIS Offices and SIRENE Bureaux. The present consolidated list is based on information communicated by Member States by 30 April 2024. The Schengen Information System

  • SIS - List of competent authorities 2024

    Each year, since it assumed the operational management of SIS, eu-LISA publishes the list of competent authorities which are authorised to directly search the data contained in SIS as well as the list of National SIS Offices and SIRENE Bureaux. The present consolidated list is based on information communicated by Member States by 30 April 2024. The Schengen Information System

  • eu-LISA 2023 Training Activities for Member States

    As part of its core activities, eu-LISA is responsible for developing, implementing and coordinating training activities on the technical use of the large-scale IT systems it operates – Eurodac, SIS, VIS – and those being developed – EES, ETIAS, ECRIS TCN and Interoperability - for IT experts and other law enforcement officials in the Member States that manage the IT

  • Enhanced SIS

    The Schengen Information System (SIS) received a set of major upgrades in March 2023. The 30 countries connected to Europe's largest IT system for internal security and border management now have access to a new set of functionalities and search capabilities which provide their authorised users with multiple ways to identify, amongst others, missing people and stolen goods or property.

  • Discover eu-LISA Awareness Package

    discover.eulisa.europa.eu is a one-stop shop that presents eu-LISA and its business areas in a fresh and interactive way. The mini-website contains everything you need to know about the various activities of eu-LISA as well as material and resources, which you can use in your work and share - interactive webpages, dedicated pop out windows, animation videos, links back to the

    Discover eu-LISA