• eu-LISA Annual Activity Report 2023

    Throughout 2023, eu-LISA continued its efforts to contribute to a fully functioning and resilient Schengen area for the benefit of European citizens. Since all JHA systems managed by the Agency support the implementation of EU policies in the areas of border management, visas, migration and asylum, digitalisation, and contribute to combating organised crime and terrorism, their continued evolution and maintenance

  • eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2024–2026

    The Single Programming Document (SPD) for the 2024–2026 period presents a structured overview of the Agency's planned objectives and activities to ensure transparency, accountability and efficient use of the financial and human resources allocated to eu-LISA. This SPD serves as guidance to eu-LISA's priorities and activities based on the Agency’s operational objectives and the EU's political priorities. As such, it

  • eu-LISA Annual Activity Report 2022

    The eu-LISA Consolidated Annual Activity Report gives a structured overview of the progress made with implementing the Agency’s annual work programme for 2022 and achieving the objectives outlined in the Single Programming Document 2022–2024. This report aims to provide eu-LISA stakeholders with clarity and assurance that the Agency has implemented a systematic and consistent approach to efficiently utilise allocated human

  • eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2023-2025

    The Single Programming Document (SPD) for the 2023–2025 period presents a structured overview of the Agency's planned objectives and activities to ensure transparency, accountability and efficient use of the financial and human resources allocated to eu-LISA. It serves as guidance on eu-LISA's priorities and activities based on the Agency’s operational objectives and the EU's political priorities. As such, it provides

  • eu-LISA Annual Activity Report 2021

    In 2021, eu-LISA’s work was built around three key priorities (1) implementing new legislative initiatives, including Interoperability and the SIS Recast, (2) ensuring the stable operation of the EU's Justice and Home Affairs information systems entrusted to eu-LISA, and (3) proceeding with the second extension of the Agency's technical site in Strasbourg.

  • eu-LISA Strategy 2021-2027

    This document summarises the eu-LISA Strategy for 2021–2027 laying down the foundations and the direction for the strategic development of eu-LISA over this period. The Strategy takes into consideration the present responsibilities of the Agency and new opportunities ahead as well as the increased expectations and demands from its stakeholders. This Strategy builds on the achievements and developments to date

  • eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2022-2024

    The aim of the Single Programming Document 2022–2024 is to set the activities to be executed by the Agency in 2022 as well as the allocation of available human and financial resources to them. It also provides a multiannual outlook until 2024 on planned major activities and projects.

  • External Communication Strategy 2021-2027

    This Strategy takes into account the new legal framework, in which the Agency operates, the eu-LISA governance documents and implementing documents relevant to the communications domain. It also relates to the strategic priorities of the EU Agencies’ Network Strategy 2021-2027 and the cooperation principles of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network. The updated Strategy aims to meet the needs

  • eu-LISA Annual Activity Report 2020

    The Agency’s overall performance in 2020 demonstrated that eu-LISA has remained a steadfast and reliable partner in the area of Justice and Home Affairs, with a solid organisational structure and a highly qualified staff. Throughout the year, eu-LISA proved to be a central element of the Schengen architecture, facilitating the safe and secure exercise of one of the fundamental rights