
The Agency requires the Security Unit to continuously align technological capabilities with the evolving needs of the Member States in order to perform its tasks successfully. Thus, building trust among eu-LISA and a variety of its stakeholders represents a key part of the Security Unit's mission.

The maintenance of secure and trustworthy communication is supported by the following stakeholders:

  • The Member States - the security of the systems' communication infrastructure affects the exchange between the Member States and eu-LISA (via the network provider), and therewith, the information entrusted to the Agency. For this reason, the communication lines need to be well ensured (Art. 11 of the Agency's Regulation).
  • The private stakeholders - the Agency works with private contractors involved in MWO (maintenance in working order). This allows the central system to provide the expected service, while assuring the provider's compliancy with the required security measures.
  • Other European Bodies and Agencies - eu-LISA operates a secure network infrastructure. Besides that, expertise-sharing and networking take place also with other Agencies, Bodies and authorities operating in the area of freedom, security and justice (such as the European Commission, CEPOL, EASO, ENISA, Eurojust, Europol, Frontex, EIGE and FRA).