eu-LISA plays the role of principal ICT service provider in the Justice and Home Affairs Domain, whilst continuously strengthening its position as the centre of excellence in the area of IT for internal security. Due to its unique expertise and know-how, eu-LISA is well-positioned to help inform and enable further digital transformation in the EU’s JHA area.
This requires eu-LISA to proactively develop its capabilities and enhance its knowledge in state-of-the-art technologies and solutions. Given the rapid pace of technological evolution, it is imperative that eu-LISA remains fully aware of advancements in technological domains relevant to its operations. It is only by staying at the forefront of new developments in technology and analysing their potential relevance in the context of large-scale IT systems, and their usage, that the Agency and its expert staff can ensure that the best available solutions are used.
The research and innovation function of the Agency addresses these needs in the core technological domains of relevance to eu-LISA and its stakeholders, that are defined and regularly updated by the research and innovation team:
The research and innovation function has been in place since the Agency's earliest days and has contributed significantly to its evolution ever since. The EU Institutions recognised the importance of research from the outset and, as such, included research and technology monitoring as a core activity in its Establishing Regulation in 2011. With the entry into force of the Agency’s revised regulation in 2018, the Agency’s mandate in the domain of research and innovation has been expanded to include, in addition to research and technology monitoring, also:
- The development and implementation of pilot and proof-of-concept projects.
- The implementation of testing activities.
- Contributing to the implementation of parts of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation relevant to the systems operated by the Agency.
In line with this new expanded mandate, the research and innovation activities that the Agency undertakes fall under eu-LISA's Strategic Goal 3, defined in its current long-term strategy 2021-2027:
eu-LISA Strategy Goal 3: Enable and drive innovation and digital transformation in the Justice and Home Affairs domain
The mission of the Research Function, contributing to the achievement of the Agency’s overall mission and vision, is:
[R&I MISSION:] To enable the Agency and its stakeholders in driving innovation and digital transformation by incorporating recent advances in technological research and innovation in addressing specific operational challenges and capability gaps.
In order to accomplish this mission, three strategic objectives have been defined for the Research Function:
To reach the defined strategic objectives for R&I, a service portfolio has been defined, which includes a set of services that are consistently delivered by the Research and Innovation Function to the Agency and its stakeholders, and that are sustainable in the long term. Although the services are not exclusively linked to one specific strategic objective, they contribute to achieving each of the strategic objectives:
Service 1 - Research and technology monitoring (mostly linked to strategic objective 1). Research and technology monitoring is a core activity of the Research Function. This service is mostly delivered in the form of regular Research and Technology Monitoring Reports and Technology Briefs.
Service 2 - Analysis and advice (mostly linked to strategic objective 1). The main purpose of this service is to provide analysis and advice to the Agency’s management and key stakeholders on pertinent issues related to the core technologies used in operations. The service is mostly delivered on demand from the relevant internal stakeholders in the form of strategic foresight studies, horizon scanning reports, policy analysis reports and scientific publications.
Service 3 - Library (mostly linked to strategic objective 1). The library supports the Agency’s staff in learning and development activities, as well as provides access to professional literature and sources of information relevant to their duties.
Service 4 - Coordination of pilots, PoCs and research and innovation (mostly linked to strategic objective 2). This service involves the development of internal methodologies/guidelines, drafting terms of reference, coordinating/managing projects and supporting the assessment of innovation projects. Some examples of projects carried out can be found on the Pilot Projects page.
Service 5 - Communication, dissemination and stakeholder engagement (mostly linked to strategic objective 3). This service is mainly accomplished through collaboration agreements with other EU Institutions in the area of research and innovation such as DG JRC, engagement with EU-funded research and innovation projects and the academic community more generally, active participation in the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security together with other sister Agencies operating in the JHA domain, and also through the organisation of regular Industry Roundtables.
Latest Publications
Research Reports

- eu-LISA Tech Brief: Biometric Technology
- Enabling Seamless Travel to the European Union
- AI Supporting Judicial Crossborder Cooperation
- AI in the Operational Management of IT Systems
Industry Roundtable

- EU Justice and Home Affairs in the Age of AI: Fostering Innovations and Mitigating Risks
- Going to the Cloud: Why it matters for the EU public sector and how to make it work
- Digitalisation of Justice – Turning Challenges into Opportunities
- Ensuring Cyber-Resilience of EU IT Systems
- EES, ETIAS and Carriers Getting Ready for the Entry into Operation
- Biometric Technologies in Identity Management
Scientific Papers

- Fingerprint Quality per Individual Finger Type
- A large scale operational study of fingerprint quality and demographics
EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security
The EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security is a collaborative network of innovation labs that works to provide the latest innovation updates and effective solutions to support the work of internal security actors in the EU and its Member States, including justice, border security, immigration, asylum and law enforcement practitioners.
The EU Innovation Hub is hosted at Europol, where the "Hub Team" supports the cooperation between various EU Innovation Labs and specialised innovative networks across Europe. The Hub Team is composed of staff from different EU Agencies and Member States.
Read more: EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security