EU agencies form an important group of eu-LISA stakeholders. eu-LISA cooperates in particular with the agencies that operate in the area of freedom, security and justice, known as the justice and home affairs (JHA) agencies. These are:
As a member of the JHA agencies, eu-LISA began concluding cooperation agreements with the agencies of the network starting in 2013, when a Working Arrangement was signed with CEPOL, followed by Frontex and EASO (now EUAA).
Further to this, Europol and Eurojust enjoy a particular role due to their participation in the governing structures of eu-LISA namely the Management Board and the Advisory Groups.
In addition to EU agencies, eu-LISA cooperates with the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, with whom a cooperation agreement was signed in 2015.
The Agency has also established contacts with the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) located in Tallinn.
On top of this, eu-LISA cooperates with ECHA in various matters benefiting from the proximity of the seats of the Agencies (Tallinn and Helsinki respectively). Furthermore, eu-LISA has assisted the International Centre of Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and its cooperation partners with IT related best practices and advice.