
The Justice and Home Affairs Agencies' Network (JHAAN) was established in 2010, when the Council's Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) agreed on a new approach for ensuring cooperation between JHA agencies[1]. The final report[2], drafted jointly by CEPOL, Eurojust, Europol and Frontex, laid out actions which became the foundation of the JHAAN.
JHAAN connects the EU Agencies implementing the EU policies of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Together, the JHA agencies contribute to the implementation of EU's objectives in the fields of migration, asylum and external border management, the fight against organised crime, drug trafficking and terrorism, gender equality and respect for fundamental rights.
They also facilitate the functioning of relevant EU IT systems, contribute to EU activities on drugs and drug addiction and facilitate law-enforcement training.
Since 2010, the JHA agencies have in turn chaired this network, coordinating the activities and meetings and carrying out the secretariat function.
JHAAN reports to the Council and the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament on the network's progress and achievements. In line with this requirement, a Final Report will be presented to COSI, SCIFA and the LIBE Committee in Q1 2023 (SCIFA is added in 2023 as EUAA reports to this Council WG of its work).
eu-LISA joined JHAAN in 2012, right after the Agency's establishment. As of 2012 the network comprises nine agencies: CEPOL, EASO, EIGE, EMCDDA, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA and Frontex.
eu-LISA chaired the Network in 2015 and has the honour of holding the Presidency in 2024.
Deriving from recommendations stemming from the JHAAN 10-year assessment report, the Trio Presidency format was introduced in the end of 2021. Together with CEPOL and EUAA, eu-LISA is part of the first Trio Presidency team formed for the period 2022-2024.
Thematic Priorities of the 2024 Presidency Work Programme
In line with the recommendations of the - Assessment of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies' Network Report 2021 - eu-LISA follows close cooperation in the Trio Presidency format focuses the activities of its presidency around the overarching and inclusive topics that are relevant to the entire Network.
The 2024 Work Programme of the JHAAN builds around four priorities:
- Digitalisation and innovation in the Justice and Home Affairs area
- Security, resilience, and data protection
- Social responsibility and Green Deal for JHA Agencies
- Identifying key JHA priorities to support the work of incoming Commissioners
Communication Priorities of the 2024 Presidency
#JHAAgencies – #StrongerTogether for #ASaferEurope!
In 2024 eu-LISA will continue to coordinate and stream the network's communication efforts to:
- increase knowledge among the agencies' staff about the individual agencies and the cooperation network,
- raise awareness among the EU institutions,
- broaden outreach to European citizens
The communication priorities are to:
- Raise awareness about the added value deriving from the agencies' cooperation and the impact of individual agencies in achieving the four priorities of the 2024 work programme.
- Provide visibility and promote the network, highlighting how it supports the implementation of EU policies and serves the citizens.
- Strengthen communication capabilities and cooperation to facilitate joint communication actions and efficient campaign
[1] Ensuring consistency of action in the light of the joint report on cooperation between JHA agencies, Council of the European Union, 9441/2/10 REV 2, 26 May 2010.
[2] Final report on the cooperation between JHA Agencies, Council of the European Union, 5816/10 JAI 87 COSI 2, 9 April 2010.