
​Pursuant to Article 298 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in carrying out their missions, the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union must have the support of an open, efficient and independent European administration.

The abovementioned provision is reemphasized in Article 48 of the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Regulation, by reiterating the requirement for internal rules on prevention of conflicts of interest.

The internal framework for the Transparency Register held by eu-LISA is set by Decision of the Executive Director Ref. ARES(2022)5650840 of 9 August 2022. Details related to how privacy and data protection pertaining to this Registry can be found here.

The Transparency Register has been set up to ensure that there is transparency with regard to lobbying. All meetings and contacts of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Heads of Departments with Economic Operators are registered in this tool.

Record IDDate of meeting / contact​Type of meeting / contact​Location of meeting / contact​eu-LISA representative (role)​Name of the Economic Operator
​2022-0111/11/2022​videocall​onlineInterim Executive Director​Biometric Institute
​2023-0131/03/2023​videocall​onlineDeputy Executive DirectorVFS Global
2023-02​03/10/2023​in person​In the margins of the Cybertech Europe 2023 Conference in Rome, ItalyDeputy Executive Director​Accenture Spa
2023-0310/10/2023​videoconference meeting​onlineDeputy Executive Director​Travizory Border Security SA
2024-0110/01/2024​videocall​onlineDeputy Executive DirectorCapzul
2024-0227/03/2024​in person​Calais, FranceExecutive DirectorGetlink SE – Eurotunnel, IN Groupe
2024-0311/04/2024​videoconference meeting​onlineExecutive DirectorIATA
2024-0426/11/2024in person​eu-LISA HQ, Tallinn, EstoniaExecutive Director ad interimKPMG Baltics / Fujitsu
2024-0517/12/2024in person​eu-LISA HQ, Tallinn, EstoniaExecutive Director ad interimEY
2024-0618/12/2024in person​eu-LISA HQ, Tallinn, EstoniaExecutive Director ad interimEIT Digital

Download a PDF of the Register

N.B.: The names/functions of individuals acting on behalf of the Economic Operators being contacted or attending meetings shall not be made public unless, after a written balancing of rights, performed by the data controller, transparency overrides the right to privacy.