eu-LISA maintains this website to enhance public access to information about its activities. Our goal is to keep this information current and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.
However, eu-LISA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.
This information is:
- not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date;
- sometimes linked to external sites over which eu-LISA has no control and for which eu-LISA assumes no responsibility;
- not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).
Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that a document available on-line exactly reproduces an officially adopted text. Only European Union legislation published in paper editions of the Official Journal of the European Union is deemed authentic.
It is our goal to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. eu-LISA accepts no responsibility with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.
This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of eu-LISA in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under such law.
Copyright notice
Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the eu-LISA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is clearly acknowledged.
The eu-LISA re-use policy follows Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union and Commission Decision 2006/291/EC, Euratom on the re-use of Commission information.
eu-LISA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website.
Any inquiries about re-use of content on the eu-LISA website should be addressed to eu-LISA, Vesilennuki 5, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia or by email (please use the Contact Form).
Unless otherwise stated, all website photo credits belong to eu-LISA.
Personal Data Protection
The European Union is committed to user privacy.
The policy on "protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions" is based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018.
This general policy covers the European Union's family of institutional Websites, within the eu domain.
Although you can browse through most of these Websites without giving any information about yourself, personal information will be requested from you when you contact eu-LISA through our website.
eu-LISA will collect personal information only to the extent necessary to fulfil a precise purpose specified by the data controller for each online service. The information will not be reused for a purpose incompatible with the original purpose.
When you send us a message via our contact form, your personal data is collected only to the extent necessary to reply. If the management team of the mailbox is unable to answer your question, it will forward your e-mail to another service. You will be informed, via e-mail, about which service your question has been forwarded to.
If you have any questions about the processing of your e-mail and related personal data, do not hesitate to include them in your message.
Such personal information will be treated according to the policy described in the Regulation mentioned above and you will be provided with information about the use of your data in a specific privacy policy statements, if applicable.
To exercise your rights or to obtain any further information, you can apply directly to eu-LISA, Vesilennuki 5, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia or by email (please use the Contact Form).