• eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2025–2027

    This Single Programming Document (SPD) presents eu-LISA's planned activities and resource allocation for the 2025–2027 period, providing our stakeholders with assurance that the Agency is taking a systematic and consistent approach towards delivering its mandate. PLEASE NOTE: This version of SPD 2025–2027 is subject to change. At the time of its statutory adoption, discussions were still ongoing regarding the entry

  • Eurodac - Annual Report 2023 - Factsheet

    This factsheet highlights the key data of the full annual report, as referenced in Article 40(1) of the Eurodac Regulation covers the operational management activities as well as developments in the areas of security and data protection during 2023. Furthermore, as per Article 8(2) of the Eurodac Regulation, eu-LISA also publishes the annual statistics report, and the annual update of

  • Eurodac - Annual Report 2023 - Report

    This annual report, pursuant to Article 40(1) of the Eurodac Regulation, covers the operational management activities as well as developments in the areas of security and data protection during 2023. In addition, as per Article 8(2) of the Eurodac Regulation, eu-LISA also publishes the annual statistics report, and the annual update of the list of designated authorities which have access

  • Eurodac - List of designated authorities with access to Central System data 2024

    This is the list of designated authorities which have access to data recorded in the Central System of Eurodac pursuant to Article 27(2) of the Regulation (EU) No 603/2013, covering the purpose laid down in Article 1(1) of the same Regulation. The list was initially published on the OJ C237 on 20.07.2015. Where there are amendments thereto, the Agency shall

  • Eurodac - 2023 Statistics - Factsheet

    The factsheet provides an overview of the Eurodac’s central system technical functioning in 2023. It can be considered as the summary of the Annual Report.

  • Eurodac - 2023 Statistics - Report

    This annual report comprises the technical functioning of the Eurodac central system in 2023. It covers the operational management activities carried out by eu-LISA, as well as an overview of statistical data generated at central level on the usage by Member States.

  • eu-LISA 2023 Training Activities for Member States

    As part of its core activities, eu-LISA is responsible for developing, implementing and coordinating training activities on the technical use of the large-scale IT systems it operates – Eurodac, SIS, VIS – and those being developed – EES, ETIAS, ECRIS TCN and Interoperability - for IT experts and other law enforcement officials in the Member States that manage the IT

  • eu-LISA Annual Activity Report 2023

    Throughout 2023, eu-LISA continued its efforts to contribute to a fully functioning and resilient Schengen area for the benefit of European citizens. Since all JHA systems managed by the Agency support the implementation of EU policies in the areas of border management, visas, migration and asylum, digitalisation, and contribute to combating organised crime and terrorism, their continued evolution and maintenance