The Public Register of eu-LISA has been established in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1726 (eu-LISA Establishing Regulation) and Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents.

Through the current Register you can consult all publicly available documents of eu-LISA by browsing the documents via category from the subject matter menu. The list displays documents in reverse chronological order and is regularly updated.

Please note that the Public Register of eu-LISA is maintained only electronically.

  • 2024 JHAAN Final Report

    In 2024, eu-LISA had the honour of presiding the JHAAN and of being part of the first JHAAN Presidency trio, together with CEPOL and EUAA. The Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN) continues its remarkable evolution, fuelled by the active involvement of its member agencies and the pooling of their expertise. CEPOL, EIGE, EUAA, EUDA, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA

  • eu-LISA Single Programming Document 2025–2027

    This Single Programming Document (SPD) presents eu-LISA's planned activities and resource allocation for the 2025–2027 period, providing our stakeholders with assurance that the Agency is taking a systematic and consistent approach towards delivering its mandate. PLEASE NOTE: This version of SPD 2025–2027 is subject to change. At the time of its statutory adoption, discussions were still ongoing regarding the entry

  • Eurodac - Annual Report 2023 - Factsheet

    This factsheet highlights the key data of the full annual report, as referenced in Article 40(1) of the Eurodac Regulation covers the operational management activities as well as developments in the areas of security and data protection during 2023. Furthermore, as per Article 8(2) of the Eurodac Regulation, eu-LISA also publishes the annual statistics report, and the annual update of

  • Eurodac - Annual Report 2023 - Report

    This annual report, pursuant to Article 40(1) of the Eurodac Regulation, covers the operational management activities as well as developments in the areas of security and data protection during 2023. In addition, as per Article 8(2) of the Eurodac Regulation, eu-LISA also publishes the annual statistics report, and the annual update of the list of designated authorities which have access

  • Internal Audit Charter

    The purpose of the Internal Audit Capability Sector (IACS) is to strengthen eu-LISA’s ability to create, protect, and sustain value by providing the Management Board of eu-LISA (the Board) and the Executive Director with independent, risk-based, and objective assurance, advice, insight, and foresight.

  • eu-LISA - Year In Review 2023

    2023 was a pivotal year for eu-LISA – a period of strategic recalibration to ensure the delivery of the world's most advanced border management system for the Schengen community. Under new and proactive leadership, we realigned our strategic approach and introduced new ways of working. As a result, we managed to jumpstart stalled initiatives and steer our organisation back on

  • eu-LISA Environmental Statement 2023

    eu-LISA aims to reduce its carbon footprint to become carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve its ambitious goal, the Agency’s top management decided to use the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) regulation to create a sustainability strategy. This strategy was developed by performing a risk and opportunity analysis, in order to identify environmental risks and to assess environmental regulatory requirements