
Public procurement means the purchasing of works, supplies and services by public bodies at either national or Union level. EU public procurement plays an important part in the single market and is govern​ed by rules intended to remove barriers and open up markets in a non-discriminatory and competitive way. The objective of public procurement is to increase the choice of potential suppliers to public bodies, thereby allowing the Agency to achieve better value for money results, whilst developing market opportunities for companies.

Public-sector purchasing decisions are based on best value for money or the lowest price secured through competition. Title VII of the Financial Regulation (FR) of the EU is applicable to eu-LISA procurement.

The Agency's procurement procedures are centrally managed by the Procurement Team to ensure consistency and coherence in the application of the rules and to guarantee that the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination are complied with.

In case of questions, please contact the Procurement Team at:  //eulisa-procurement [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (eulisa-procurement[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu).



Call for Experts

In order to implement its administrative tasks and obligations, eu-LISA may enlist the support of high level external experts. A list of experts can be drawn up by the Agency following a call for expression of interest.

Information about current calls can be found on the dedicated sub-page: Call for Experts