
Have you ever needed to describe to someone how eu-LISA´s large-scale IT systems facilitate the implementation of the right to free movement within the Schengen Area? Or maybe, when explaining to your colleagues the specifics of eu-LISA´s daily activities, you could use some support material?
Discover our brand new awareness package: – a one-stop shop that presents eu-LISA and its business areas in a fresh and interactive way.
This mini-website contains everything you need to know about the various activities of eu-LISA as well as material and resources, which you can use in your work and share - interactive webpages, dedicated pop out windows, animation videos, links back to the Agency's corporate website and take-away PDF downloads. Each of the large-scale systems in eu-LISA's mandate has its own area, as do interoperability, Member State Training, R&D and Reporting and Statistics.
Discover eu-LISA: The Schengen Area Information Engine!
Subsequent to the new legal mandate, eu-LISA not only manages Eurodac, SIS and VIS, but also has to develop EES, ETIAS and ECRIS-TCN, whilst ensuring Interoperability between all of the systems. Further to that, Member State training, Research & Development as well as Reporting and Statistics have all taken on a more important and visible role. In order to introduce and highlight all these aspects, an updated approach to presenting the Agency and its work with external audiences has been thought out and developed.