
On 19-20 September eu-LISA, in collaboration with CEPOL and the European Commission, delivered a training course called "SIS II for SIRENE". The target audience for this training session was SIRENE officers and operators with the potential for multiplying the knowledge gained.

The overall aim of this SIS II for SIRENE course was to provide an overview of eu-LISA and SIRENE relations, the legal background, SIS II technical topics related to SIRENE, the escalation procedure for SIRENE and, last but not least, the role of SIRENE in the eu-LISA change management procedure. The 2018 focal point was "SISII-AFIS and Identity confirmation" with an innovative discussion forum session organised for the Member States.

The two-day programme covered and included:

  • eu-LISA as a whole, eu-LISA and SIRENE, SIS II
  • The legal background (presented by the European Commission)
  • SISII-AFIS related to SIRENE
  • Lessons learned in Data Quality
  • Implications stemming from the SISII-AFIS solution
  • Train the trainer

The course took place in Strasbourg, France and was attended by 28 participants representing 23 EU Member States.The course satisfaction rate was very high, reaching 92%, whilst the average score given for the course was 4.6 out of 5.

The discussion forum for the Member States proved to be much appreciated and well received. One satisfied participant noted: "Thank you eu-LISA for letting the Member States present national solutions. If only there was more time!"