
The second course in the framework of the eu-LISA Development Training Programme for IT Operators (DTPITO) called "SIS II: Operational Training – Intermediate Level" took place on the 10th October 2017.

The training aimed to consolidate and update the Member State Single Points of Contact (SPoC) about operational activities, communication means and IT Service management tools through hands-on exercises. Topics covered included eu-LISA incident management processes, the request fulfilment management process, testing campaigns as well as SIS II Operator Manual's highlights and updates. Interactive exercise involving SM9, an eu-LISA developed software interface, were also part of the course. 

Twelve participants, representing 11 Member States, took part in the training session hosted in eu-LISA's Strasbourg premises.

At the end of the course the participants had the opportunity to take a voluntary assessment test to measure the knowledge gained during the training. All course participants were rewarded with the eu-LISA SIS II Professional certificate.

The course satisfaction rate expressed by participants shows an average score of 4.6 out of 5. The participants described the course as thorough and lively. The following remark was made by one course participant "Great knowledge presented by trainers kept us in a good and positive mood throughout the day!"

The DRPITO will continue with "SIS II: Operational Training – Advanced Level" scheduled for 20-21 November 2017.