
On the 12th of October eu-LISA delivered a training course called "SIS II AFIS training session for Member States – Technical Focus" that concentrated on the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
The general aim of the course was to improve knowledge on AFIS within the SIS II context with detailed emphasis on technical aspects. The training session covered the following topics:
Technical aspects of biometrics,
Technical changes in the Central System of SIS II that impacting SIS II National Systems,
The AFIS operational architecture,
New AFIS functionalities.
In addition to the above listed technical topics, a European Commission representative delivered a session on the legal framework of SIS II.
The course took place in Strasbourg, France and was attended by participants from national technical teams and operators representing 17 EU Member States as well as associated countries, Norway and Switzerland.
The course satisfaction rate was 93% whilst the average score given for the course was 4.7 out of 5.
One satisfied participant noted that "The course was very well prepared. In particular, the biometrics technical perspective and matching was thoroughly covered. The trainers were skilled and communicative."
The topic will be continued on 22 November 2017 when a training course entitled "SIS II AFIS training session for Member States – Management Focus" will be held for national project managers.