
On 27 October 2021, eu-LISA will host its 8th Annual Conference "Towards the Digital Schengen Area". Organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event will be held online.
This year's conference will take stock of current developments in the JHA area, where the upcoming launch of the Entry/ Exit System (EES), the European Travel Information Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the new Interoperability architecture will create a new and modern gateway at European external borders. Further to that, handling the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked new initiatives affecting traditional border checks.
The conference will address questions related to travel experience, risk assessments and possible improvements in the model of intelligence gathering. The event will provide an opportunity to debate how large-scale IT systems and new information architecture could support the gathering of intelligence with the scope of improving the overall travel experience. In particular, the conference will focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, on the next generation of the Schengen Area's invisible borders and on new travel intelligence. It will also provide an opportunity to openly talk about the shortcomings and the experiences gained while deploying modern technologies at external borders.
Our speakers will include high-level decision makers from EU Institutions and Agencies, as well as from International Organisations and EU Member States.
The programme will be announced in autumn and registration will start in September 2021. Keep an eye on our dedicated conference website,, and the #eulisaconference hashtag across social media for updates.
Mark your calendar, save the date, and let´s discuss #DigitalSchengen together!
Hashtags: #DigitalSchengen | #eulisaconference | #ASaferEurope | #EU2021SI