
On 22nd of November, eu-LISA delivered a training course entitled “SIS II AFIS training session for Member States – Management Focus”. The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) was the focal point of the day.

The general aim of the course was to increase knowledge on AFIS, in the SIS II context, for national system managers. The training covered AFIS for SIS II, functional aspects of biometrics, new functionalities offered by AFIS, upcoming project activities and planned evolution of the system. An additional session on the legal framework of SIS II was delivered by a representative of the European Commission. 

The course took place in Strasbourg, France and was attended by 32 project managers from 20 different SIS II using Member States.

The course satisfaction rate was 94%. The comments shared by participants praised excellent presentations and the readiness to repeat the session next year again.

This training course was the second in the series of eu-LISA 2017 SIS II AFIS related training activities. The first course was delivered back in October and focused on SIS II AFIS Technical aspects.

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