
Building on last year's successfully delivered first cycle of eu-LISA operational courses for Entry (L1), Intermediate (L2) and Advanced Level (L3), eu-LISA recently started a cycle of SIS II operational courses for 2018. The first course delivered was SIS II Operational Training – Entry Level (L1) and it took place on 7-8 March in eu-LISA's Strasbourg offices in France. This course, as were those back in 2017, was delivered in the context of the SIS II Development Training Programme for IT Operators (DTPITO).
The aim of the training session was to introduce SIS II technical aspects and provide a detailed overview of how the system operates. The course was targeted at Level One Operators that act as Single Point of Contact (SPoC) at national level, newcomers and SIS II candidate Member States that use the system.
During the two-day course the following topics were covered: Introduction to SIS II, SIS II IT Service Management, Incident Management and Escalation Procedure, SIS II Data Consistency Check, Maintenance Management, SIS II Business Activity, SIS II Test activities and Future Outlook of the SIS II. The course ended with a hands-on exercise using SM9, eu-LISA's Service Management tool. In addition, the participants also had the chance to visit the eu-LISA Service Help Desk.
Ten participants from seven EU Member States took part in the course. The training session was supported with possibilities for e-learning through the eu-LISA LMS - a platform for learning management. At the end of the course, the attendees had the opportunity to take a voluntary assessment test to measure the knowledge acquired during the training. All participants passed with positive results and were awarded a SIS II Specialist eu-LISA certificate.
The course satisfaction rate was 4.5 (90%) out of maximum 5. Participants described the course as highly engaging. A few remarks made by course participants:
- I liked seeing the Help Desk in person to be able to understand the set-up and how incidents are managed from both sides
- I particularly liked the SM9 hands-on. It gave a good variety to the course and gave us practical advice on how to use the system.
The next DTPITO eu-LISA course is SIS II Operational Training – Intermediate Level (L2) scheduled on 11 April 2018.