
On 7-8 September eu-LISA held a SIS II: Operational Training – Entry Level course in our new building at our Strasbourg site. The training session aimed at introducing the SIS II system to the participants and provided detailed insight into its operations. Topics touched upon included the setup of the eu-LISA Service Desk, SIS II IT Service Management, Incident Management and the Escalation Procedure.

The training course also included interactive hands-on exercises with SM9, the eu-LISA developed software interface. The training was targeted at IT Operators that act as Single Points of Contact (SPoC) in their Member States as well as Associated Country representatives. A total of 17 participants convened for this training session representing 15 different EU countries.

An initial look into the course evaluation forms shows an overall positive feeling. One of the participants said 'I found the training very useful to improve my skills on SIS II. The course was well structured and informative, and I enjoyed the approach given by competent and experienced trainers.'

This course was the first delivered within the newly adopted Development Training Programme for IT Operators (DTPITO) training framework. DTPITO was created to better respond to Member States' training needs and simultaneously offer national IT Operators a comprehensive and systematic approach to eu-LISA training activities. The programme enables participants to enhance their knowledge from beginner to expert level on a 3-step path; from Entry, to Intermediate, to Advanced Level. DTPITO consists of both classic classroom sessions with eu-LISA system experts and interactive e-learning elements. Upon successful completion of each level, participants are awarded eu-LISA certificates as SIS II Specialist, SIS II Professional and finally, SIS II Expert.

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