
The eu-LISA Classroom Courses series, aimed at Member States that use the three large-scale IT Systems managed by the Agency, continued on 23-24 Nov in Strasbourg, France. The course entitled “Classroom course: technical use of Eurodac – Train the trainer” focused on Eurodac and was targeted at experienced (advanced/senior level) Eurodac national system administrators and operators.
The aim of the training session was to improve the participants’ general usage of Eurodac and provide detailed insights into Eurodac technical aspects such as DubliNet, the network created for information transmission and requests within the EU framework of the Dublin Regulation. During the two-day course the following topics were addressed: Eurodac and eu-LISA obligations, available statistics, Change Management Procedure in Eurodac, the Security framework, description of the Eurodac (Recast) functionalities, Eurodac in Operation as well as Dublinet: Technical and Practical - country case: Slovenia, Roadmap for future evolutions of Eurodac.
Further to the above, a ‘Train the trainer’ session was offered, that focused on effective coaching methodologies to enable the participants to spread the acquired knowledge further to their peers back home.
Sixteen participants from 11 System-using Member States took part in this training course. The course participants expressed high satisfaction with the course, emphasising the trainers’ level of expertise in the subject matters and the excellent quality of the training material.