
The JHA Council agreed in June 2016 on the need to further enhance information exchange and information management between the existing IT systems at EU level in order to address the issue of illegal immigration.
Related to this, since the beginning of 2016, eu-LISA is involved in the EU Policy Cycle and actively takes part in three of the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats (EMPACT) priority topics:
facilitated illegal immigration
The EMPACT's 2017 Operational Action Plan on facilitated illegal immigration foresees specific training sessions to be carried out by eu-LISA in order to raise awareness of the large-scale IT systems under the Agency's operational management, namely Eurodac and SISII, and the part they play in the "facilitating of illegal immigration" priority topic.
One such training session was carried out this week in Tallinn on 29-30 May entitled "Eurodac & SIS II: the role of large-scale IT systems in combatting facilitation of illegal immigration". Trainers from eu-LISA, Members States and the European Commission all contributed to the delivery of the course which consisted of both traditional classroom methods as well as interactive group work. The whole course was much appreciated by participants from Member States as well as those representing some of our sister JHA agencies namely Frontex, Europol and Eurojust.
Photo-credit : eu-LISA