
On 5 December, EUAA, the European Union Agency for Asylum, and eu-LISA, the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, concluded an agreement to strengthen their cooperation. A new cooperation plan was signed by EUAA Executive Director Nina GREGORI and eu-LISA Executive Director Agnès DIALLO in Brussels.
The cooperation plan outlines a number of envisaged actions in several thematic areas, including asylum and migration management, security and business continuity, training, research and innovation as well as personal data protection; all of which the Agencies have agreed to work on together – within the remits of the respective mandates.
In addition, the two Agencies, as successive holders of the Trio Presidency of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN) will continue their close collaboration in terms of planning and implementing the Network’s priorities, including Digitalisation, the EU Green Deal, and Cybersecurity.
"The signing of this renewed Cooperation Plan reaffirms the dedication of eu-LISA and EUAA to uphold and broaden their collaboration as the most effective means to enhance their contributions to Member States and the EU as a whole. Both agencies base their cooperation on synergies and complementarity, working together with the shared goal of fostering a safer and stronger Europe," said Agnès DIALLO, Executive Director of eu-LISA.
"Our collaboration as EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies comes at a crucial juncture. Member States need digital solutions to the protection challenges the Union faces. Implementing the proposed change to the EU’s migration management system and the Interoperability Framework is going to require our Agencies to work hand-in-hand. This renewed Cooperation Agreement will enable us to do so." added the EUAA’s Executive Director Nina GREGORI.
The EUAA and eu-LISA’s cooperation is underpinned by a cooperation plan. The latter is a technical elaboration of the existing Working Arrangement between the two agencies and details the various ways and thematic areas in which the two organisations envisage working together.