
eu-LISA's Management Board convened in Tallinn, Estonia on 14 and 15 June, with a packed agenda.
During the two-day meeting, the Management Board, eu-LISA's highest governing body, discussed the Agency's Consolidated Annual Activity Report for 2022 and adopted an opinion on the Final Accounts for the same year.
The participants, comprised of representatives from EU Member States, Schengen Associated Countries, the European Commission and EU Agencies, also took note of the priorities of the incoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, and how they tie in to eu-LISA's current work programme.
As of 1 July 2023, Spain will hold the six-month rotating Council Presidency, taking over from Sweden. The Spanish programme revolves around cyber resilience, interoperability, artificial intelligence and digital transformation, all key topics for eu-LISA. In fact, the Agency recently organised an Industry Roundtable focusing on cyber resilience and cyber security.
As usual, the June meeting of the Management Board covered a large part of the Agency's work: staffing at eu-LISA was discussed in-depth, with special attention to the branding of the Agency in a highly competitive IT job market; the closing of audit recommendations; the progress in the preparations for the Entry/Exit System (EES) and other, new or revised systems.
A further topic on the agenda was the 2022 eu-LISA Customer Satisfaction Survey, that asked Member States to evaluate the quality of the services eu-LISA provides, in relation to the large-scale IT systems it manages, in terms of incident management, operational communication, technical assistance and release management.
The overall satisfaction for the Visa Information System (VIS) improved by almost 4 percentage points to 97.5%, approximately the same increase as SIS, the Schengen Information System, which climbed to 95.5%. The satisfaction rate for Eurodac remained almost unchanged at 98%.
The Board also adopted the comments on the European Data Protection Supervisor's inspection report with regard to Eurodac, SIS and VIS.
The next Management Board meeting is scheduled to be held in Strasbourg on 27-28 September 2023. Summaries of the regular eu-LISA Management Board Meetings are published on the Agency's website.