
On 10 and 11 June nine European Union Agencies, operating in the field of freedom, security and justice, convened in Tallinn to hold two meetings under eu-LISA's 2015 chairmanship of the Agencies' network. The expert level meetings focused on fostering exchange of information, defining areas for synergies in the field of training and discussing the agencies' cooperation in combating terrorism.  

On 10 June the training experts from the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Agencies Network talked about e-learning tools and elaborated on the learning management systems. They examined the possibilities for the establishment of a common pool of trainers for certain areas of training and discussed new fields for cooperation in training by the JHA Agencies.

The second meeting on 11 June encouraged increased awareness about and the exchange of existing reports created by the Agencies and focused on the added value of joint initiatives in the field of IT. Cooperation between Agencies in the field of combating terrorism, in particular foreign fighters, was also discussed. 

The next meetings of the JHA Agencies will take place on 2 July at the Operations Department of eu-LISA in Strasbourg and on 6 October at the eu-LISA headquarters in Tallinn. 


In 2015 eu-LISA is holding the chairmanship of the Network of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies. These are:

  • eu-LISA - European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
  • CEPOL - European Police College
  • EASO - European Asylum Support Office
  • EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality
  • EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
  • Europol - European Police Office
  • Eurojust - European Union's Juridical Cooperation Unit
  • FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
  • Frontex - European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the member States of the European Union



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