
Throughout November 2021, the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) will host its next Industry Roundtable – Artificial Intelligence in Large-scale IT Systems: Opportunities and Challenges.
The event, organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, will take place online, over four consecutive weeks (one afternoon per week: 4/11, 11/11, 18/11, 25/11), using a dedicated platform for virtual events.
The 14th edition of the eu-LISA Industry Roundtable will focus on the opportunities and challenges for implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of the large-scale IT systems operated by eu-LISA.
There is no doubt that AI will become an integral part of the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) area. There are a number of areas where AI can and will play an important role. First and foremost, in the case of customs, AI can be effectively utilised to support risk assessment in border and migration management. eu-LISA together with Frontex are already exploring the integration of an AI-based screening system within the scope of ETIAS, which will allow for automated profiling of travellers on the basis of pre-defined risk indicators and screening rules.
AI capabilities are also essential in developing advanced analytics solutions. Here, one of the most prominent use cases is the Central Repository for Reporting and Statistics (CRRS), part of the Interoperability architecture. Within the scope of the CRRS, AI may be deployed in different layers: starting with a multilingual natural language interface, to supporting data quality assurance and advanced data analytics. AI is already deployed and will continue to be essential in IT infrastructure management, and in improving the energy efficiency of data centres operated by eu-LISA.
The next edition of the eu-LISA Industry Roundtable will provide a forum for the industry and eu-LISA key stakeholders to exchange views on the developments of AI technologies of immediate relevance for the JHA domain, with a specific focus on the large-scale IT systems. The event will target the following applications of AI technologies:
- Advanced data analytics and forecasting;
- AI for advanced data analytics in IT operations;
- Privacy-preserving technologies for data analytics and AI;
- Biometric recognition technologies.
Call for Expression of Interest
If your company is interested to present an innovative technology, product or service in the event, please sign up to participate using the dedicated form. Please note that one company can present only once; however, you are welcome to submit several proposals to one or more sessions.
Please specify which of the topics from those indicated above you would like to address in your presentation.
Please provide a brief description of your company and the solution/ technology you would like to present. Please note that the number of presentation slots is limited and submissions will be evaluated by eu-LISA experts. The selection of submitted proposals will be based on the relevance of the proposals to the topic of the event, their novelty and potential impact. eu-LISA will communicate the outcome of the selection procedure to all applicants.
- The Call for Expression of Interest is open until 7 September 2021 extended to 14 September 2021.
- eu-LISA will review the proposals and inform the selected speakers by 11 October 2021.
- Registration details will be released in the beginning of October 2021.
- The final programme will be released on 21 October 2021.
For any queries, please contact us at research [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (research[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)