
Eurodac is the European Asylum Dactyloscopy Database, managed by eu-LISA, which assists in the processing of European asylum applications. It is a centralised database that collects and handles the digitalised fingerprints of asylum seekers and irregular migrants. It helps determine the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application. National asylum authorities use Eurodac to store new fingerprints and compare existing records on asylum seekers. This aids the detection of multiple asylum applications and thus reduces “asylum shopping”. Law enforcement authorities and Europol can also access the system – under strict conditions – to prevent, detect and investigate terrorist and other serious criminal offences.
Eurodac (DE).pdf
- Language
- de
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637.56 KB
Eurodac (ET).pdf
- Language
- et
- File type
- File size
836.42 KB
Eurodac (FR).pdf
- Language
- fr
- File type
- File size
642.42 KB