
Today a delegation from eu-LISA payed a visit to the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna to conclude a bilateral Working Arrangement between the two agencies.

eu-LISA and FRA have agreed to further enhance cooperation in the exchange of know-how in the areas of ICT and fundamental rights. Close cooperation has already been carried out both in the framework of the Smart Border pilot project and of the FRA study on the use of biometrics in large-scale IT systems.

Both agencies are also actively collaborating in the framework of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network, which is being chaired by FRA in 2016, and have discussed the experience of eu-LISA from the period of its chairmanship of the Network in 2015.

All these and other areas of cooperation are highlighted in the Working Arrangement that will serve as a solid basis for the enhancement of cooperation between FRA and eu-LISA in the future.

Other equally important topics discussed during the visit to FRA are the development of new IT systems and privacy by design, involvement of the agencies in Hotspots, biometrics and interoperability.

Furthermore, during the meeting the representatives of both agencies identified topics to be addressed in the Annual Cooperation Plan between eu-LISA and FRA.

Photo: © European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights


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