
eu-LISA has successfully finished the first cycle of Eurodac Development Training Programme for IT Operators (DTPITO). The final course "Eurodac Operational Training – Advanced Level (L3)" was delivered on 29-30 October in Strasbourg, France.
The aim of the course was to improve general usage of the Eurodac system by providing updated information and experience on Eurodac technical and business topics.
The target audience was Single Point of Contact (SPoC) managers and senior operational staff.
During the course the following topics were covered:
- Eurodac and eu-LISA obligations,
- Eurodac statistics,
- Overview of the change management procedure in Eurodac,
- Security framework,
- Roadmap for future evolutions of Eurodac,
- Description of Eurodac (Recast) Functionalities:
- basic concepts,
- search and use cases,
- data use cases,
- broadcast messages,
- data validation and errors;
- Eurodac in operations:
- certificates/renewal process,
- operational status (usage trends, errors)
- Eurodac documentation.
Additionally, three Member States introduced law enforcement processes and Dublinet case studies from their respective countries.
Twenty-one participants from 16 EU Member States were trained during the Advanced (L3) course. The training was supported by possibilities for e-learning through the eu-LISA Learning Management System (LMS). The attendees had the opportunity to take an assessment test to measure the knowledge acquired during the training. The satisfaction rate of the course was above 90%.
The Eurodac Operational Training Programme for IT Operators will be followed by a Train the Trainer – SIS II, VIS, Eurodac - for IT operators course, organised in conjunction with CEPOL. The training session will take place on 8-9 November in Tallinn, Estonia.