
A training course for Member States entitled 'VIS: Operational Training – Entry Level' took place on 23-24 October at our operational site in Strasbourg, France. This training session was the first held for VIS national IT operators within the newly launched Development Training Program for IT Operators (DRPITO) training framework. The aim of the course was to introduce VIS operational system principles, the main elements of the System' architecture as well as operations and business aspects. Topics covered during the training session included: Introduction to VIS Biometric Matching System and VIS Mail, VIS Operations – Communication with stakeholders, the VIS Operator Manual, VIS Escalation and Maintenance Management and VIS future developments. In addition, the course included an interactive hands-on exercise using SM9, a eu-LISA developed software interface, and a visit to the in-house eu-LISA Service Desk Sector.

Ten attendees from seven EU Member States attended the training session. The participants had the opportunity to take an assessment test in order to be granted a VIS Specialist certificate. 80% of the course participants were awarded the eu-LISA certificate.

The overall course satisfaction rate, calculated from the course evaluation forms, was 92%. One course participant expressed his satisfaction by stating "It was a very well-structured and accurate course. I particularly liked the visit to the Service Desk Sector. It was truly exciting to see where and how the large-scale IT Systems are monitored and how the Agency's experts work."

Follow-up courses 'VIS: Operational Training – Intermediate Level' and 'VIS: Operational Training – Advanced Level' will be delivered in 2018.