
MEPs will quiz EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, on the future of the border-free Schengen zone, common migration and asylum policy and security in the context of the pandemic on Thursday 7th May.
In a debate in the Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) on Thursday afternoon, MEPs will try to clarify how the Commission plans to ensure that temporary controls on the internal borders, reintroduced following the COVID-19 outbreak, are lifted in a coordinated manner. In a plenary resolution adopted on 17 April, the Parliament stressed that “border controls and restrictions on movement must remain proportionate and exceptional... all freedom of movement should be re-established as soon as it is deemed feasible.”
The much-awaited proposal on a new Pact for Asylum and Migration will also be raised with Ylva Johansson, as well as the situation of migrants and refugees at the EU’s external borders and on the main migration routes.
Read the full Press Release and instructions on how to follow the Live-Stream on the European Parliament website.