
Yesterday, Marili Männik, the Executive Director ad interim of eu-LISA, presented updates to the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE) in Brussels. This was her first address to the Committee since taking up her role at the EU’s IT agency for justice and home affairs last month.
Ms Männik outlined eu-LISA’s essential function as “The Digital Heart of Schengen,” supporting internal security, border management, and justice cooperation across the EU. Since its launch in 2012, the Agency manages five major EU information systems, the Schengen Information System (SIS), the Visa Information System (VIS), Eurodac and e-CODEX. These systems serve as the key pillars for internal security, the right to free movement within the Schengen Area, the EU’s visa and asylum policies as well as ensuring a more efficient and speedier judicial process across Europe.
Ms Männik also discussed the Agency’s growing responsibilities, particularly the upcoming Entry/Exit System (EES). This system will further enhance border security within the Schengen Area. She reaffirmed eu-LISA's commitment to high standards of data protection, cybersecurity, and respect for fundamental rights.
Additionally, as Chair of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN) for 2024, Ms Männik outlined four main priorities: digitalisation and innovation, security and resilience, social responsibility and the Green Deal, and future cooperation in justice and home affairs. She also announced an upcoming White Paper on the network's future priorities, expected later this year.
She concluded with an overview of key upcoming events, including the eu-LISA Industry Roundtable in November and the annual Heads of Agencies meeting in December, which will see the handover of the JHA Presidency to the FRA, the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency.