
Today, 28 April 2021, eu-LISA hosted its 7th annual meeting with the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Counsellors and other stakeholders.

Among the topics covered were the state of play and further development of the current large-scale IT systems under the Agency's responsibility (Eurodac, SIS and VIS), as well as a progress update on the new systems for security, border management and migration (EES, ETIAS and ECRIS-TCN). Further to these, Interoperability will ensure all IT systems are linked, facilitating efficient access to information. A brief overview of what each system is and does is available on our Discover eu-LISA portal.

 "The digital platforms that eu-LISA is building for the EU's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) domain will increase the resilience and agility of Member States. Platforms such as these require efficient and reliable IT solutions, high quality actionable data, and strong cybersecurity standards, not to mention mutual trust", said Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA, adding that ensuring interoperability between the systems is probably one of the decade's most complex and ambitious projects in the EU.

The Agency's growing role in the justice domain was another key topic discussed. With the development and takeover of the ECRIS RI (European Criminal Records Information System Reference Implementation) and e‐CODEX - scheduled for 2023 - eu-LISA will gain a prominent role in implementing the European Commission's vision on the digitalisation of justice in the EU.

The JHA Counsellors were also briefed on what eu-LISA is doing in the realm of artificial intelligence (including the e-VISA Pilot Project), and on the Agency's role in the Security Union context.