
On 2 July the information and communication technology (ICT) experts of the nine Justice and Home Affairs Agencies convened for the first time at eu-LISA's operational site in Strasbourg to discuss and define practical cooperation in the area of IT solutions and services relevant to the network of these agencies. The ICT expert meeting was held in the framework of eu-LISA's 2015 chairmanship of the JHA Agencies Network.

The topics discussed included exchange of best practices, secure information exchange, synergies from common IT solutions and services, IT security, business continuity and disaster recovery. The meeting concluded that cooperation would be pursued in three main areas based on the needs and interests of the Agencies. The areas identified are relevant to the mandate of JHA Agencies and include the analysis of the needs and processes regarding secure information exchange and identification of the respective technologies, exchange of information in the field of cyber security and business continuity as well as defining the technical solutions to meet the common business needs of the Agencies operating in the area of freedom, security and justice.


In 2015 eu-LISA is holding the chairmanship of the Network of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies. These are:

  • eu-LISA - European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice         
  • CEPOL - European Police College
  • EASO - European Asylum Support Office
  • EIGE - European Institute for Gender Equality
  • EMCDDA - European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
  • Europol - European Police Office
  • Eurojust - European Union's Juridical Cooperation Unit
  • FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
  • Frontex - European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the member States of the European Union


The next meeting of the JHA Agencies will take place on 6 October at the eu-LISA headquarters in Tallinn.


info [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (

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