
On 20 July 2015 the Eurodac Recast system became operational in compliance with Regulation (EU) No 603/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 26 June 2013. The new Eurodac system ensures full compatibility with the most recent developments of the asylum legislation. On top of improving the previous Eurodac functionalities and better addressing data protection concerns, the new system allows law enforcement access to its fingerprints database, under strictly limited circumstances in order to prevent, detect or investigate serious criminal offences, including terrorism.
As of today, 29 Member States and Schengen Associated Countries are successfully connected and migrated from the old to the new recast Eurodac system.
Until today, the total number of transactions exchanged between the National Authorities and the Central Eurodac System has reached 47.000 queries (for all types of transactions, including searches of asylum applicants and insertion of fingerprints, searches of third country nationals apprehended when illegally crossing MS borders etc.).
With the launch of the recast Eurodac IT system eu-LISA continues to strengthen the Common European Asylum System and support the objectives of the European Agenda on Migration.
Update: On 31/07/2015 Ireland successfully connected to the new recast Eurodac system.