
Between 12 and 14 September 2022, eu-LISA is proud to work together with the European Association for Biometrics (EAB), by actively contributing to the organisation of the 9th edition of the EAB Research Projects Conference – an yearly event that offers a dissemination platform for EU-funded projects' results in the fields of security, border management and ID management.

During the past eight years, the conference has established itself as a common forum in Europe, where policy makers, academia, industry, Member States and law-enforcement bodies can share their point of views and get up to date with the latest scientific developments connected or adjacent to biometric recognition technology.

In addition to eu-LISA's Research and Development team chairing the opening, closing and several sessions of this year's conference, our Agency's top management will also deliver the opening keynote speech – on 12 September 2022 – covering the new information architecture for border management and internal security in the EU.

On the 13th of September, the keynote address will be delivered by Olivier Onidi, Deputy Director General of the Directorate General for Home Affairs (DG HOME) of the European Commission (EC), and also a member in eu-LISA's Management Board.

Participants will be able to interact with new prototypes in the demo sessions of the conference and also discuss with eu-LISA, Frontex and EC experts the research and innovation opportunities arising from the entry into operation of eu-LISA's new large-scale IT systems, EES and ETIAS.

The conference takes place in Darmstadt, Germany. The programme and registration information are available on the EAB website.

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