
eu-LISA holds an info-hours with chief and senior editors on 12 September to highlight the main milestones the Agency has reached and the challenges it faces for the upcoming years.
Mailis PUKONEN, Head of the General Coordination Unite speaks about the achievements and the new goals eu-LISA will have after its first 20 months of active operation.Ave Poom, Policy Office of eu-LISA gives an overview of the Agency's collaboration with partner institutions in the area of police, border-guard and asylum cooperation.Tõnu Tammer, Policy Expert in Home Affairs and the project manager of the Smart Borders pilot project explains the notion "Smart Borders" and the role of eu-LISA in the pilot project of the European Commission initiative to be carried out in 2015.
The key topics of the first eu-LISA Conference "Smart Borders: Faster and Safer Way to Europe", bringing to Tallinn on 01 October 2014 experts and interested attendees from around 20 European countries, will also be highlighted.
The info-hour takes for the first time place in the eu-LISA premises of the Tallinn Office and is in Estonian.
For more information please contact: press [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (press[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)