
eu-LISA, the European Agency for Operational Management of Large-scale IT systems in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice, will host an Industry Roundtable entitled "EU external borders – streamlining of information exchange" in Sofia, Bulgaria on May 16th 2018. The event is intended to convene representatives of entities involved in the carriage of travellers to and from the EU by air, sea and/or land, industry involved in the development and implementation of tools for advance passenger checks, academia who may have a strong research interest in such topics and EU Agencies/Institutions involved in relevant operational activities and policy discussions.
The roundtable will focus on two new large-scale IT systems to be launched in the area of freedom, security and justice, namely the Entry/Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), and the use of API/PNR data in the context of carrier queries against these systems. Generally, possible centralised approaches to exchange of such data will be considered. It is foreseen that industry, international organisations and/or national authorities provide presentations on methods and tools for carriers to conduct foreseen mandatory checks against these systems. Discussions will aim towards identification of optimal approaches for data submission and possible synergies while taking full account of modern carrier processes and the roles of technology therein. Means to ensure provision of high quality data by carriers will also be examined.
The roundtable will provide an opportunity for carriers to express their views on how mandatory checks will impact their work and how such checks can be incorporated into their processes so as to minimise any negative impacts. It will also be a forum for bringing together the various entities who will be involved in work on relevant solutions in the coming years, providing a foundation for further discussions and collaboration between eu-LISA and other relevant parties. Industry will have the chance to indicate how their technologies and developments might help to increase efficiencies in the future.
Carrier organisations and industry are invited to show their interest in attending by e-mailing externalaffairs [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (externalaffairs[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu) by 13th April 2018. Please note that participation is limited to two persons per company/entity. Those with an interest in providing presentations are especially invited to say so in their message. Both strategic presentations on foreseen future setups for carrier-system interactions and practical presentations of possible tools/solutions will be welcomed.
The roundtable will be held in cooperation with the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and will be followed by a conference on border security organised by the Presidency on the next day.
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