
​On 10 June eu-LISA had the pleasure of presenting at the "Annual Conference on EU Border Management 2021" hosted online by the Academy of European Law (ERA). The 3-morning event, aims to debate the latest developments and challenges in the management of the EU's internal and external borders. Furthermore, it will study the latest proposals and reforms on the functioning and operation of EU border management systems, including Schengen and the recent enhancements of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency's role and responsibilities.

Topics on the comprehensive agenda include the latest news regarding legislative files to strengthen border management systems and their interoperability and respective practical implementation by eu-LISA, as well as those on Schengen governance, migrant smuggling and fundamental rights. Discussions will also cover EU databases for border management and their evolution: EES, ETIAS, PNR, ECRIS-TCN, SIS, VIS and Eurodac as well as the latest migratory trends and routes, risk analysis and vulnerability assessments, joint integrated border management, AI and digitalisation

The conference is being attended by law enforcement officers, border guards and ministry officials from Europe and beyond, as well as by NGOs active in the field.

eu-LISA's Uku Särekanno, Head of the Executive Support and Stakeholder Relations Unit, gave the participants an update on the IT systems already being managed and those currently being developed by the Agency. Details covered in his presentation included:

  • The use and operations of Eurodac, SIS and VIS and their evolution
  • The state of preparations for EES, ETIAS, ECRIS-TCN and e-CODEX
  • Interoperability
  • Cooperation with other EU JHA agencies, Member States and the industry

The Academy of European Law (ERA) is a non-profit public foundation based in Trier, Germany, which is supported by the EU and whose patrons now include all 27 EU Member States.