The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) has published its fifth issue of Bits & Bytes, a digital newsletter showcasing the Agency's recent progress and ongoing activities in the Justice and Home Affairs area.
We continue our journey through the past decade – which we started in the previous issue –, and take a look at the eu-LISA 10-Year Photobook, accompanied by a short of video of key people in eu-LISA's history expressing their wishes for the Agency's 10th anniversary.
In case you missed eu-LISA's flagship events in October – the anniversary edition of the Annual Conference and the 16th Industry Roundtable –, the featured articles for each event provide a summary, with fresh figures, new photos and new videos.
Last but not least, we take a look at the revamped version of "Discover eu-LISA", an awareness package that presents the Agency and its core business areas and large-scale IT systems in a fresh and interactive way.
The eu-LISA Bits & Bytes can be accessed via an easy to remember link: