
The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) is proud to present the second issue of Bits & Bytes, a digital newsletter showcasing the Agency's recent progress and ongoing activities in the Justice and Home Affairs domain.
In this issue we take a look back at our flagship event - the 2020 Annual Conference - a fully virtual event, organised in cooperation with the German Presidency of the Council of the EU - as well as the impact the new Pact on Migration and Asylum will have on Eurodac.
Then we delve deeper into what has been a hot topic for the past years - Artificial Intelligence (AI). Read about the AI initiatives at eu-LISA, including a chat bot/ virtual assistant that is foreseen for the EU's future online visa application portal.
The eu-LISA Bits & Bytes can be accessed via an easy to remember link: