
The nine EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Agencies have published the 3rd Joint Paper highlighting their contribution to supporting Ukraine amidst the ongoing war. This marks the third consecutive release since 2022, covering the period from February 2023 to February 2024.
The comprehensive document provides an overview of the concerted efforts undertaken by the JHA agencies in response to the conflict in Ukraine. It encompasses a wide array of actions, including both individual initiatives tailored to each agency and collaborative endeavours across agencies. These agencies play a crucial role in implementing EU-level political decisions, aiding Member States and third countries, and providing support to those affected by the conflict, particularly individuals displaced from Ukraine.
Key activities outlined in the Joint Paper include:
- Producing targeted analytical products and reports
- Identifying key fundamental-rights challenges and solutions
- Providing operational support for investigations of international crimes in Ukraine
- Assisting national authorities, particularly those bordering Ukraine and Moldova
- Conducting information provision-related activities and support, including developing guidance and tools for implementing directives like the Temporary Protection Directive
- Contributing to EU tools such as the EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Management Blueprint Network, the EU Integrated Political Crisis Response, and the Solidarity Platform initiated by the European Commission
- Supporting the implementation of the Common Anti-Trafficking Plan addressing risks of trafficking among displaced individuals
- Enforcing EU sanctions
- Offering support related to EU accession processes
The Joint Paper is subject to regular updates as long as the situation persists, offering insight into ongoing efforts and evolving strategies.