
eu-LISA's expanding role in the digital transformation of the European justice landscape has brought with it opportunities for the Agency to partake in topical meetings and fora that aim to shape future developments in the aforementioned field. The Agency's Executive Director, Krum GARKOV, and its Deputy Executive Director attended on 15-16 July, the Informal Justice and Home Affairs Ministers meeting organised by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in Slovenia. eu-LISA contributed to the discussions, addressing crime in a digital age, how to implement the EU's new Pact on Migration & Asylum and the way forward with regard to the recently proposed revision of the Schengen Strategy. Contributions were also provided to the topics of Digital Inheritance and the implications the Commission's proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act will have on the Justice domain.
"Though not the first time our top management attends a JHA Council meeting, it is eu-LISA's debut at the "Justice" dedicated sessions and we are very much looking forward to contributing to the discussions for the benefit of EU citizens," emphasised Mr Garkov.
The Agency's existing involvement and knowledge in using technology for cross-border digital solutions beneficial to Member States related to both security and more and more to justice cooperation, are recognised and requested.
Further to the justice-oriented European Criminal Record Information System – Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) that is currently in eu-LISA's portfolio of large-scale IT systems, in June 2021 the Council approved a general approach on the EU regulation that foresees the long-term operational management of e-CODEX being given to eu-LISA.
e-CODEX – which stands for "e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange" – offers a digital, decentralised infrastructure for secure communication between national systems, facilitating its users (judicial authorities, legal practitioners and citizens) to send and receive documents, legal forms and evidence.