
The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) and The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) signed yesterday a Cooperation Plan for 2022-2024, renewing and reinforcing their close collaboration that has spanned nearly a decade, for the next three years.
Both EU Agencies agreed to share knowledge, expertise and best practices in the field of training, exchange of information and expertise, data protection, policy coordination, communication, and administrative matters. The Agencies will continue bilateral cooperation by organising joint onsite and online training sessions and by providing trainers with relevant expertise to one another's training courses. The Agreement concerns, inter alia, joint training activities on SIS (the Schengen Information System) and SIRENE (the supplementary information exchange between main national SIS desks), EES (the Entry/Exit System), ETIAS (the European Travel Information and Authorisation System), as well as EMPACT (the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats) related training activities.
Moreover, CEPOL and eu-LISA will continue working together on establishing a comprehensive training approach for the upcoming large-scale IT systems. The Agencies intend to use more specific training tools such as simulators, demos and videos on various technical and operational matters for EU Member States' training, as well as provide training courses on processes and new technologies, before and after the entry into operation of each new large-scale IT system.
CEPOL Executive Director Montserrat Marín López stated: 'CEPOL is looking forward to continue working more closely with eu-LISA in the upcoming years, to share knowledge and expertise, in order to offer specialised training activities to law enforcement officials on the topic of large-scale IT systems, a crucial element for successful cross-border cooperation'. 'We would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to our sister agency, for their constant cooperation and support within the scope of the CEPOL Knowledge Centre on Interoperability', she added.
"The enhanced cooperation between our Agencies will contribute to developing further the joint training activities to support EU Member States and other EU Agencies in the implementation and operation of the existing and new large-scale IT systems," said eu-LISA Executive Director Krum Garkov.
Furthermore, CEPOL and eu-LISA cooperate closely within the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN), both being part of the first Trio Presidency of the network for the period 2022-2024. CEPOL currently holds the presidency of the network, to be followed by the EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA) in 2023, and eu-LISA in 2024.
The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA), was established in 2011 as a long-term solution to the management of large-scale information systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, that became operational in 2012. Today, it is at the forefront of Europe's information-driven border management and internal security, providing the expertise needed to manage and develop JHA large-scale IT systems and their respective communication infrastructure, on a 24/7 basis. The headquarters of eu-LISA are in Tallinn (Estonia), operational management is carried out in Strasbourg (France) and a backup site is located in Sankt Johann im Pongau (Austria). The Agency also has a liaison office in Brussels (Belgium).
CEPOL is the European Union Agency dedicated to develop, implement and coordinate training for law enforcement officials. CEPOL contributes to a safer Europe by facilitating cooperation and knowledge sharing among law enforcement officials of the EU Member States and some third countries. CEPOL constantly strives to offer innovative and advanced training activities by integrating relevant developments in knowledge, research and technology and by creating synergies through strengthened cooperation with its partners.