
​On 1-2 June 2021, the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) will host its next Industry Roundtable, in cooperation with the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The event will take place online using a dedicated platform for virtual events.

This year, the Roundtable will focus on the development and implementation of technologies facilitating contactless or seamless travel in light of the ongoing global pandemic.

Enabling seamless or contactless travel is a complex endeavour requiring the collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders spanning both public and private sectors, from visa-issuing authorities to transportation identity management and healthcare industries to mention a few. The recent developments in digital identity management, ongoing discussions around the deployment of digital health or vaccination certificates, as well as regional and global efforts aimed at facilitating data exchange, serve as a solid foundation for further development of seamless or contactless travel.

The Industry Roundtable will feature pioneering technologies, products and services provided by the industry, addressing the pandemic-related challenges the current security ecosystem faces. Industry will showcase these technologies, products and services to the end-user community of experts, representing relevant authorities from EU Member States and EU Institutions. The Roundtable will also provide a forum to discuss recent developments facilitating the deployment of contactless traveller processing solutions in diverse environments (i.e. in airports, ports, as well as at land borders).

The event will focus on the following challenges:

  • Enabling digital identity management for travel purposes, in particular in the context of international travel;
  • Biometric identification technologies enabling contactless, seamless, safe and secure movement of legitimate travellers, while guaranteeing the security of EU borders specifically, recent advances in the development of automated border crossing solutions allowing for contactless traveller identification and identity verification.

Call for Expression of Interest

If your company is interested in presenting an innovative technology, product or service in one or more sessions, please sign up to participate using this dedicated form.

Please specify which of the above-listed challenges you would like to address in your presentation.

Please provide a brief description of your company and the solution/ technology you would like to present.

Please note that the number of presentation slots is limited and submissions will be evaluated by eu-LISA experts. The selection of submitted proposals will be based on the relevance of the proposals to the topic of the event, their novelty and potential impact. eu-LISA will communicate the outcome of the selection procedure to all applicants.


  • The Call for Expression of Interest is open until 28 April 2021.
  • eu-LISA will review the proposals and inform the selected speakers by 7 May 2021.
  • Registration details will be announced in May 2021.
  • The Final programme will be released on 17 May 2021.

For any queries, please contact us at research [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (research[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu).

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