
Building on last year's successfully delivered first cycle of eu-LISA operational courses for Entry (L1), Intermediate (L2) and Advanced Level (L3), eu-LISA recently finished the second cycle of SIS II operational courses.

The final 2018 course “SIS II Operational Training – Advanced Level (L3)” was delivered on 23-24 May in Strasbourg, France. This course, as were those back in 2017, was given in the context of the SIS II Development Training Programme for IT Operators (DTPITO).

The aim of the training course was to provide advanced knowledge on the SIS II operational systems, in particular on business and security aspects.

The course was targeted at Level One Operators that act as Single Points of Contact (SPoC) managers, senior operational staff and SIRENE bureaux staff.

During the two-day course the following topics were covered: SIS II Statistics, AFIS and Future development of SIS II. A detailed study of the SIS II Operator Manual was also part of the course with particular attention given to: Communications with Stakeholders, Critical Incidents testimonials by Member States, Planned Maintenances (NS.SIS and CS.SIS), Testing, SM9 presentation and Data Consistency Checks as well as Security and business continuity of SIS II. The course ended with two case studies on Data Quality and NSIS Monitoring.

Nineteen participants from thirteen EU Member States took part in the course. The training session was supported by possibilities for e-learning through the eu-LISA LMS – an online platform for learning management. At the end of the course, the attendees also had the opportunity to take an assessment test to measure the knowledge acquired during the training. The average test score in 2018 for this particular training is 88.4%, higher than last year’s 80.4%. All participants passed with positive results and were awarded a SIS II Expert eu-LISA certificate.

The course satisfaction rate was 4.3 (86%) out of a maximum of 5. Participants described the trainers as highly engaging.

SPoC managers, senior operational staff and SIRENE bureaux staff can progress further by obtaining appropriate instruction skills and methodologies to be able to train their national peers. For this purpose eu-LISA offers a "Train the Trainer – Eurodac, SIS II and VIS for IT Operators" which gathers national IT Operators from all three systems. The next scheduled Train the Trainer courses will take place on 13-14 June and 8-9 November in Tallinn, Estonia.

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