
2017 marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, widely regarded as the foundation stone of the movement towards greater political and economic union that has become known as the ‘European project.’ Signed on 25 March 1957, the treaties established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). While their immediate objectives were to integrate trade and strengthen the economies of the area, one of its underlying political desires was to ‘lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the people of Europe’.
Sixty years later we can witness how modern information and communication technologies have affected EU societies and created additional frameworks to foster links within this ‘ever closer union among the people’. Today information and communication technologies are one of the EU’s driving forces for the digital transformation of public services. We are now moving towards a newer and faster generation of smart technical solutions which can transform people’s lives, industry and the overall outlook of the EU. ICT is the modern tool to provide people with services that are based on innovative solutions and aim to protect the values that we have cherished for the past 60 years: freedom, justice and security.
In eu-LISA, the European Agency for the management of large-scale IT systems in the area of justice, freedom and security, we believe that the keywords for the EU of the generations to come are: innovation and digitalization. They are the backbone of the present and the future union where policy-makers, regulators and industry work closely together for the benefit of the people.
This is not an easy glide upwards only. From the past and present of the EU we know that challenges and setbacks are an inevitable part of progress. However, we also know that as long as we embrace our common values, working smart and making the best use of new technologies will continue to lead us to growth and prosperity.
Let us think today about the EU success-stories of the past 60 years and celebrate the achievements of the ‘European project’!
Happy Anniversary!
Krum Garkov
Executive Director