
eu-LISA Annual Conference Report 2020

On 26 November 2020, eu-LISA hosted its 7th Annual Conference “Interoperability – Building Digital Resilience for the EU Justice and Home Affairs Community”, organised in cooperation with the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event was entirely digital. The live broadcast, via a dedicated virtual platform, reached an even broader audience than our habitual face-to-face conferences, thus facilitating the same level of interaction with participants that were able to ask questions, comment, participate in polls and network. The event focused on the paradigm shift introduced by interoperability, one of the EU Justice and Home Affairs domain’s top priorities, and reflected on aspects pertaining to its technical implementation. The panellists explored how the JHA community can benefit from an enhanced focus on innovation and technology as well as on the potential influence of innovation and the latest technological solutions to policy-making at EU and national levels. Possible implications from the COVID-19 pandemic on the acceleration of digital transformation, as well as benefits and possibilities for the law enforcement sector stemming from the new information architecture were also discussed.


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