
On 16 October 2019 eu-LISA hosted its sixth Annual Conference, "The New Information Architecture as a Driver for Efficiency and Effectiveness in Internal Security", in Tallinn, Estonia. The event, organised under the auspices of the Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, was the first to take place since the provision of an extended mandate to the Agency through the approval of the new eu-LISA regulation. The enlarged mandate provides for the development of several new large-scale IT systems – the Entry-Exit System (EES), European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and the European Criminal Records Information System for Third Country Nationals (ECRIS-TCN) – as well as the implementation of interoperability. Together, the new capabilities offered and the new approach to data organisation and information provision constitute a new information architecture at EU level. As the Agency embarks on the elaboration of this architecture, working closely with Members States, EU Agencies and the wider stakeholder community, the time is right to reflect on how work can be best carried out and to define desirable milestones and end states that best fulfil the stated goals of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internal-security related efforts. By convening 180 delegates from this stakeholder community and providing a forum for debate and discussion, the conference brought an important contribution to these efforts to define optimal future outcomes. Read the full report!