This building is a credit to all who have worked to bring it to completion. It is a landmark for the city of Tallinn and it provides eu-LISA with an impressive new home to pursue its mandate. It also stands as a powerful symbol of what European integration is about. So let us not undo what has been achieved. Let us draw on the past to unite us in the present – to build a complete Union that can deliver the stability and prosperity we need. We, the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, will do our part to ensure the smooth functioning of the Schengen Area and to enable an adequate response to the relevant present and future challenges the EU faces. The systems that eu-LISA is managing and the services that we provide to the Members States are the most tangible sign of our contribution to the Union. In this respect eu-LISA will continue its strong and broad support to the Member States and the European institutions in their efforts to make Europe safer and stronger. - Krum Garkov, Executive Director of eu-LISA