
The Estonian State Real Estate LtD in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of the Interior and the Estonian Union of Architects announced today the authors of the winning architectural concept for the new head office of eu-LISA, the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice.
Out of the 15 design concepts, submitted to the international architectural concept competition, the functional solution of the Architectural Bureaus Dagopen and Lünk, called "Turing", was nominated as the best (authors: Jaan Kuusemets, Üllar Ambos, Pille Noole, Ioannis Lykouras and Erko Luhaaru).
"Turing" respects and complements the urban impact of the seaplane hangars close to the site. The clear and simple composition highlights the magnificence of the nearby Seaplane Harbour. The illuminated facade upholds the domes of the hangars and the entrance from the Kalaranna Street creates a framed view to the sea. The interior logistics is clear, expressive and user-friendly. The straightforward design generates the image of the European IT Agency.
"We appreciate the support provided by the Estonian government to our Agency as of the end of 2012 when the first of us came to Tallinn to build up the temporary headquarters of the new EU Agency, eu-LISA. Today we reached an important milestone not only for our Agency but for Europe by large. Symbolically our Agency has seen itself also as a "lighthouse" for the operational management of large-scale IT systems to provide for freedom, security and justice in Europe. The location of the new headquarters at the seaside, close to the Seaplane Harbour, provides this idea with a matching physical dimension. The winner of the international architectural concept competition has most smartly captured both parts of this notion and we hope that our new headquarters will become an additional landmark in the famous Tallinn silhouette, "noted Krum GARKOV, ED of eu-LISA.
"Such an outstanding building located in the magnificent surrounding will definitely enrich the urban environment of Tallinn and be an eye-catcher for the inhabitants of Tallinn as well as tourists. It is in our interest that in addition to the beautiful exterior the building would have also powerful content as we are speaking about a very important IT institution for not only Estonia but for the entire European Union," said the Estonian Minister of the Interior Hanno PEVKUR.
The second place was awarded to the Architectural Bureau AB Kontekst for the concept "Plato"(author: Karli Luik).
The third place was nominated to the Architectural Bureau SALTO AB for the concept "Bastion"(authors: Ralf Lõoke, Maarja Kask and Martin McLean).
In addition three motivational awards were given out. The first one for the concept "Seaplane" by the Architectural Bureau Sweco Project (authors: Ahti Kooskora, Maria Freimann, Juhan Kangilaski, Loona Kikkas and Anni Müüripeal). The second, for the concept called "Belt" of Koit Ojaliiv, Joel Kopli, Juhan Rohtla, Eik Hermann and Sander Kallas from the Architectural Office Kuu. The third – "Yhendus"(Connection) – was submitted by the Architects Bureau Kauss Arhitektuur (authors: Urmo Mets, Lauri Eltermaa, Kaur Talpsep and Julia Trunova).
The total prize-fund for the concepts was euro 30 000. The winner received the voucher for euro 10 000, the 2nd prize was euro 8000 and the 3rd – euro 6000. Each one of the motivational prize winners received euro 2000.
The aim of the competition was to find the best architectural and functional solutions for the eu-LISA new headquarters. The new building has to meet a number of criteria and be constructed as a secure, energy-saving and functional house. The Estonian State Real Estate LtD will proceed with the procurement of the design works, based on the winner-concept. The estimated costs for this stage of works are around euro 244 200.
The new head office of eu-LISA will be constructed on the Vestilennuki Street in Northern Tallinn and the building should be ready by the end of 2017.
Image credits: “Turing”, authors: Jaan Kuusemets, Üllar Ambos, Pille Noole, Ioannis Lykouras, Erko Luhaaru from Dagopen OÜ and Lünk Arhitektid OÜ.
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